Aliya Mughal

Why I write

Why I write

Ours is not to reason why, unless you're a writer, in which case it helps
6 min read
Make more mess and care less for making it mean something

Make more mess and care less for making it mean something

The freedom of childlike wonder and wildness
5 min read
Go further than you think you can, but not so far you can’t go on

Go further than you think you can, but not so far you can’t go on

Lessons in running and writing
9 min read
What remains when we leave: On words as waste matter

What remains when we leave: On words as waste matter

“Don’t worry about posterity, what will survive of us is love.” Philip Larkin
5 min read
Words of Wonder: Realigning with inspiration and motivation to keep going

Words of Wonder: Realigning with inspiration and motivation to keep going

"In knowing who you are and writing from it, you will help the world by giving it understanding." Natalie Goldberg
5 min read
The gift of vulnerability: Opening the door for others to be real and for us all to get free

The gift of vulnerability: Opening the door for others to be real and for us all to get free

The healing power of mutual confession
6 min read
Words of Wonder: On finding hope in the dark, sharing what helps, and healing the hurts

Words of Wonder: On finding hope in the dark, sharing what helps, and healing the hurts

"I've been on a journey, and that must involve change, or what's the point of going on the journey at all?" - Nick Cave
7 min read
On tattoos, ancestral healing, love, loss and being a lamp unto ourselves

On tattoos, ancestral healing, love, loss and being a lamp unto ourselves

What we inherit and how we continue
4 min read
I don’t need you to tell me I’m good: On rejection and validation

I don’t need you to tell me I’m good: On rejection and validation

Choosing self-empowerment over projected diminishment
7 min read
Words of Wonder: Resting into the nature of experience & giving up the fight

Words of Wonder: Resting into the nature of experience & giving up the fight

Enough is enough, and that's okay - how much more satisfying life can be when we accept the fact over fabricated conflict
6 min read